Communities Supporting Orange County Schools is excited to endorse two incumbents and one challenger for the Orange County Schools Board of Education in the March 2024 election.
Carrie Doyle, Dr. Jennifer Moore, and Wendy Padilla have the experience, expertise, and community relationships necessary for fostering excellent and inclusive schools. These candidates will work well with their peers on the school board, the superintendent, and district staff both when in agreement and across differences for the commonly held goal of what is best for the students and families of OCS.
Please read more about Carrie, Jennifer, and Wendy below.
Carrie Doyle
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We can’t say enough good things about Carrie and we are thrilled she was re-elected on March 5, 2024. She is a high school science teacher in Durham Public Schools, the mother of three students who came up through the Orange County School (OCS) district, and former professional in the laboratory sciences. When serving as board chair, Carrie led with courage and kindness. In 2022, she was recognized by the North Carolina School Board Association Academy for School Boardsmanship. Carrie’s campaign focuses on inclusive needs for the diverse OCS student body, language access for OCS English learners and ESL families and STEM opportunities at all school levels. Carrie’s track record shows that she practices what she preaches. To have a member of the Board of Education who is a classroom teacher, a public school parent, and has work experience in the STEM field is an incredible asset.
To learn more about Carrie's campaign please visit:
Dr. Jennifer Moore
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Dr. Moore has been a gift to the district and we are so happy to endorse her for a second term on the school board.
In the election on March 5, 2024, Dr. Moore earned the third highest vote count at 6528 votes. The fourth place finisher, with 482 less votes than Dr. Moore, has opted to request a runoff. The runoff will be held on May 14, 2024 at all precincts, with early voting at Orange Works from April 25 - May 11.
You’ll rarely see Dr. Moore in the limelight because she focuses her energy and attention on the work of serving the children and teachers of Orange County Schools with excellence. While serving on the school board she has demonstrated leadership in multiple ways, including advocating for Master’s Pay and pressing to hire a Federal Programs Coordinator to better serve students and families in those programs. Dr. Moore has been a consistent voice on the school board for inclusive and equitable schools and always placed academic achievement for all kids as a high priority. She has been recognized by the North Carolina School Board Association Academy of Boardsmanship in 2021 and 2023. Jennifer has 14 years of working as an instructional assistant for exceptional children and served in public education in Wayne, Durham, and Orange counties. She served as vice president of the Orange County Association of Educators and has additional experience working in mental health and with at-risk youth. Our district needs her continued leadership.
To learn more about Dr. Jennifer Moore and her runoff campaign, please visit
Wendy Padilla
Additional Endorsements:

We are so excited that Wendy was elected to the Orange County School Board on March 5, 2024. Wendy is a dynamic and energetic leader with a real passion for Orange County Schools kids and families. Her positivity is contagious. She is a product of public schools, a mom, and has extensive professional experience in grassroots community building. To name a few highlights: she worked in front office administration at Central Park School in Durham where she provided invaluable support to Spanish-speaking families during the pandemic; she founded Sunflower Turning Nonprofit, Inc. which works to empower communities to grow their own food; and she has been involved in numerous community organizations. Wendy’s campaign emphasizes building schools where every child excels, on equitable learning environments, literacy, and the importance of quality wages for teachers. With a significant and growing number of Hispanic families in our district, having a member of the school board who is highly qualified and bilingual will be an incredible asset.
To learn more about Wendy Padilla and her campaign (available in English and Spanish) please visit .